Block: Columns

Block: Columns

We can also add blocks inside columns:

  1. This is a numbered list,
  2. inside a 3 column block
  3. with a wide alignment.

The middle column has a paragraph with an image block below.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec mollis. Quisque convallis libero in sapien pharetra tincidunt. Aliquam elit ante, malesuada id, tempor eu, gravida id, odio. Maecenas suscipit, risus et eleifend imperdiet, nisi orci ullamcorper massa, et adipiscing orci velit quis magna.

-This third column has a quoteTheme Reviewer

But wait there is more!  We also have a block called Media & Text, which is a two column block that helps you display media and text content next to each other, without having to first setup a column block:


Media & Text

A paragraph block sits ready to be used, below your headline.

Cek Berita dan Artikel yang lain di Google News
