Mobil Muatan Elektronik Luder Terbakar

MUKOMUKO RU - Daihatsu Grand Max type of pick up car, loaded with electronic goods, sold out on fire in Air Buluh Village, Ipuh District, Wednesday (26/2) yesterday afternoon. Nothing can be saved, including the car being driven, Bayu, 34, a resident of Ipuh. Chronologically the events that were collected, the car loaded with electronic goods drove from the direction of Bengkulu to Mukomuko. Upon arriving at the scene of the incident, a fire extinguished the spring bed. The driver, stopped his vehicle and tried to put out the fire. But unlucky, the fire continued to expand until it was hard to extinguish until finally burning the car and all the cargo that he was carrying. Until this news was revealed, the exact cause of the fire that had burned the car and its contents was unknown. \"We don\'t know the cause yet, I see the fire burning the merchandise they carry. The driver of the car had tried to extinguish the fire with the extinguisher. But unfortunately, that effort was not successful, \"said Budi, a resident of Air Buluh when it was confirmed yesterday. A new fire can be extinguished after a fire truck arrives. But when the outage took place, the victim\'s car and electronic goods were burnt down. \"The fire quickly enlarged and burned the car and electronics. the fire truck came, only extinguishing the remaining fires, \"he explained. Budi estimates, the losses suffered by victims due to the incident reached hundreds of millions of rupiah. Because of the many precious items the victim brought, there was only one item that could be saved, namely television. \"There is only one television that can be saved. \"There are no leftovers,\" he explained. Information obtained by Radar Utara, the police from the Ipuh police station had come to the location to process the crime scene. (rail)
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